Will They Or Will They Not Cheat



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Will they or will they not cheat?
Angela Renee
Will they or will they not cheat?

Have you ever told your partner or spouse how you would feel

if you found out they had been cheating? Maybe your spouse

or partner will never cheat on you! Are would they?

Ok, maybe they want cheat. But you must face the fact that

your spouse or partner will be tempted with the “grass is

greener on the other side” especially after all the

responsibilities of parenthood have set in and things are

not so carefree anymore. And you will be faced with that

same temptation unless both of you have suddenly become

really, really an eye sore.

Who knows? They may be attracted to the same thing you find

attractive about your spouse or partner in the beginning and

now! By realizing this now, depending on the type of

relationship you are in, not only can you make this one of

the healthy topics to discuss but you can possibly get back

some of what was lost. You know before all of the many

responsibilities set into everyone’s life.

Cheating causes so much pain and grief and if you have not

experienced it firsthand, take a look around – It affects

everyone! Saying no requires at times the willpower to walk

– no run away, the action to back up what you say and truly

caring about your partner or spouse feelings.

Do not become obsessed with this topic but talk about things

like this before it happens. Talk about how the both of you

would feel and what would cause the both of you to entertain

the thoughts of cheating. Would it involve something

physical like not receiving enough affection or something

emotional like not feeling appreciated or loved? You want

facts that will help you both understand what your needs are

so you’ll NOT look elsewhere.

We seek love and acceptance in our society and this does not

change once we enter relationships. We want it regardless of

the changes we grow through with our body and spirit. So

when we do not feel we are getting these things from the

ones we love, we seek it from others! If you do not want to

make the topic about the two of you just yet, talk about

cheating in relationships in general before the opportunity

presents itself to either of you.


Angela Renee is a wife, mother of three and a writer who’s

passionate about helping “Every Day Become A Mothers Day.”

With her straight talking yet compassionate manner, she

works through her articles at www.worlds-best-mothers-guide.com

to assist all mothers with every single aspect of their life

href=”http://www.worlds-best-mothers-guide.com”>relationships and


Angela Renee is a wife, mother of three and a writer who’s

passionate about helping “Every Day Become A Mothers Day.”

With her straight talking yet compassionate manner, she

works through her articles at www.worlds-best-mothers-guide.com

to assist all mothers with every single aspect of their life

href=”http://www.worlds-best-mothers-guide.com”>relationships and


Contact her at